Welcome to the very first Thursday Threesome for 2014! I have the grand honours of kicking off the series for the new year, so to celebrate I've picked the most ridiculously specific topic I could think of.
I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but back in the 90s it was illegal to release a movie without a song by Bryan Adams on the soundtrack. Dramas? Sure. Romances? Yep. Animated movies about horses? OF COURSE! Join me under the cut for a couple of my favourites from his soft-rock cinematic catalogue.
'(Everything I Do) I Do It For You' from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Coming out with the big guns early! One of the 90-est movies to ever 90, with one of the 90-est songs to ever 90. Spent a gazillion weeks at number one in every country ever, and sold 20 thousand million copies. I like to think that people were just crying out for a song where dudes in double denim spew out moderate rock into an English forest.
'All For Love' from The Three Musketeers
Unsure if I love anything more than the awkward, self-indulgent first minute of this video. I can guarantee they wouldn't actually be so jovial towards Rod Stewart if the cameras weren't there. 'Ohhh, you're an hour late? That's no problem buddy, not like we're doing anything else!' Sting probably passed the time by practising tantric sex in the corner. Alone. I really really loved this movie a lot (I was very young, in my defence), and also really really loved this song a lot. I'm pretty sure I still have the cassingle somewhere. Cassingle! That's not a word you hear any more! Oh god I'm so old.
'Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?' from Don Juan DeMarco
I'm going to be honest, originally the third one was going to be that super dopey song he did with Barbara Streisand for The Mirror Has Two Faces (or something like that), but this one was too good not to include. It's directed by Rad Photographer Dude Anton Corbijin, which is why it's a bit...well...watch it and you'll know. Visual metaphors GO! How badass do you think Bryan Adams felt in that Zorro mask? Probably pretty badass. I want a Zorro mask. I'll wear it while footage of Johnny Depp is projected behind me. ART.

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