I’m a big fan of
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, the book series that has spawned the wonderful television series,
Game of Thrones. I’m invested in the books to a significant degree and I want the show to be successful while remaining true to the spirit and story of the books. Now, a television series is a very different beast to a fantasy book series, there are too many characters and plots for
Game of Thrones to do full justice to the book series (I recommend that you read the books, they are incredible), but so far, the television series has included most of the major plotlines in all their glory.
To be clear, I am afraid. I am afraid that the choices made in the television series will influence the development of the outcomes and characters in the book. I’ve heard George R. R. Martin comment on some of his choices vs. the show runner choices and I am terrified. I want to shake him. Yes! The television show and the book series are different beasts, remember that George. Because already I can see the non-inclusion of some characters, the hybridising of others, the change in plot arcs detracting from the intricate maze in the books. I’m worried that because someone hasn’t showed up in the show they can’t be part of the major arc they occupy in the book, or that someone who has stayed too long or been too well developed has been so at the expense of other really important characters. Don’t screw me George R. R. Martin!
Recently, the lovely Suzanne put a Game of Thrones Character Shot post on the site. You can view it at:
http://www.fruitlesspursuits.com/2013/01/game-of-thrones-season-3-character-shots.html . In it she looks at new shots of various old and new characters reacting as a connoisseur of the show alone. Here’s my take on the character castings and plots from a book perspective, but beware, here be spoilers. I will keep them vague, and certainly to seasons 1&2 of the show as well as to vague portions of the book. As most book enthusiasts agree, the two parts of book 3 are the best and are crucial to the game. The show runners of Game of Thrones seem to agree. Let’s see how they go.