BIFF! POW! BANG! Those are three words a lazy writer might use to introduce the pre-order release info for Hot Toys’ upcoming sixth-scale Batman and Robin figures, capturing the likenesses of Adam West and Burt Ward from the sixties Batman TV show and film!
You can pre-order these Batman here: Batman - DC Comics Collectibles Batman (1966 Film) DC Comics Sixth Scale Figure ... or Robin here: Batman - DC Comics Collectibles Robin (1966 Film) DC Comics Sixth Scale Figure ... right now from our good friends at Sideshow. Or join me for many more images and mostly ignorant commentary... after the jump!
It’s initially kind of odd to see these bright, simplistic costumes juxtaposed with super-realistic Hot Toys head sculpts. Poor Robin’s underpants look particularly comical and remind me of the Mego dolls of old. Not sure how you could get past that and keep accurate though.
Didn't Burt Ward used to brag about how much action he'd get while playing Robin? Kind of hard to imagine that here...
Still, it's a good likeness and I imagine that there are a lot of fans out there that will eat this up. I'm kind of charmed by the kitschiness of the figures anyway. Maybe you could display Robin with the Heath Ledger Joker beating the crap out of him with a crowbar...
Robin is definitely the lighter (and cheaper) release of the two and only really comes with his communicator and a slew of extra hands. Man... cannot get past those crazy pixie boots! Remember folks, he got plenty of action...
Far cooler is Adam West's batshit insane Batman...
SOLD! I love how they have given him three different mouths that can be switched out, much like the Christian Bale Batmans that have been released previously. He also has some wonderful toys. Like this sweet batarang...
And the never-leave-home-without-it can of Shark Repellent!
Plus he can dance the Batusi!
When I saw that the gallery of Batman had been released I kept thinking, "Please give him a giant bomb. Please give him a giant bomb!" They didn't photograph him in action with it, but you'll be relieved to know that it's right here...
And even crazier, there's a sixth scale sixties Batmobile coming out too that the two of them can ride around in. (Which is a great way to hide their underpants I might add)...
Overall these are pretty cool and I imagine they will be popular! Preorder them if you want them because Batman fans are crazy and things tend to sell out fast!

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