Supanova has finally exploded all over Perth's Claremont Showgrounds and we are deeply embedded in the pop culture trenches! We braved scratches from foam weapons and giant wings to bring you the best local coverage possible, a lot of which we will roll out over the following days as we are all super listless and yawny now.
But we do have a bunch of photos to get things rolling and give you a taste of what went down on the first day. Including that crazy picture above of Kroton, the obscure Cyberman from the comics who retained his emotions and probably even cried or something! Did you know that under all that armour is our very own Courtney Coulson, frequent guest host of The Book Was Better and writer of Costume Critiques?! That is just one example of the great lengths our team will go to in order to assimiliate.
Much more... maybe even a photo of you... after the jump!
But first I want to praise the Supanova Team for making some very user friendly changes this year. As annual crowds grow exponentially, space has always been an issue, but they've managed to expand the retail space onto the upper level, and have finally opened up all of the doors in the main pavilion. This means that convention goers can very easily access the outside areas for food, photos and fresh air, and it makes for a far more comfortable experience overall. And that's a good thing because today was absolutely packed...
Look at all those people! Look at all the fun they're having! It's dizzying. Let's rush outside for some fresh air.
One catch though, in order to get through the doors you must first fight Wolverine...
The Wolverine fighting activity is a lot of fun and makes great use of the First Aid tent.
And what about these finely dressed ladies representing from Avatar (Airbender not spacecats)...
Out of all the cosplayers, those girls had the biggest fans. (I'm sorry). (I'm tired).
Here's some more cyber tomfoolery...
This menacing Cybershade was built and performed by another friend, Simon (another recent guest host of The Book Was Better podcast. Did I mention how you guys should totally subscribe to my podcast? I think you should definitely subscribe).
Okay check this out...
Now I don't actually know what these red demon ladies are from but I am pretty sure that we should be supporting it whatever it is.
Deadpool was lurking everywhere today, but the most unique take had to be this Deadpool by way of Doctor Who...
And with Transformers 4 looming with all new vehicles, the old Bumblebee is out of work so he dropped by the convention...
The next cosplayer was completely invisible and needed to be captured with a special filter. The de-invisibility filter accounts for half our budget...
But I'm probably impressed by Chief of Mischief, Loki, who was presiding over the event and keeping everyone in line.
Wait... what trickery is this?
Another Loki! And this one has managed to enslave a Black Widow with his magic staff. Well played, Loki. You win this one.
But don't worry, there were lots of Black Widows present who hadn't yet fallen under his spell...
It's probably safe to go back inside where some themed groups were assembling (no Avengers assembling though which is very strange). It was the Batman villains that were out in full force today... (Batman was lurking around too, but these guys were running wild so he dropped the ball on this one).
I guess The Riddler is kind of obsolete now that Google can solve most of his riddles in about a second.
And Adventure Time has become a standard group favourite. And with good reason...
At Fruitless Pursuits we 100% endorse painting your entire skin a different colour.
So all great efforts, but today's award really has to go to this elderly gentleman who's lack of costume uncannily resembled a famous Lord of the Rings character...
Apparently it was awkward on the train ride home.
But of course, cosplay aside, the big draw of Supanova is the celebrity guests and this year boasts a ton of big names. Like... oh, I don't know... DAVID HASSLEHOFF. Yes. We actually saw The Hoff. In the Hoff-flesh! And Jacinta even got to photograph him at his panel...
Can you believe how amazing David Hasselhoff still looks? Everyone I've spoken to was thrilled by his talk, by the way. Lively, affable, self-deprecating, uncensored and not afraid to venture out into the crowd and interact. And if there's any doubt about David's sense of humour, check out his awesome T-shirt...
And check out how ripped he still is! Good god he could punch me into the sun. And the most important thing we learned? He kept the statue of himself from Spongebob Squarepants the Movie. I love that role, but Knight Rider is still god. Does someone have a diecast K.I.T.T. for me because I think I need to get it signed.
And, of course, the other big crowd pleaser is Karl Urban still riding high from the success of Star Trek into Darkness...
He took the piss out of Australia, talked Lord of the Rings, confirmed that the Star Trek cast were all signed for a third movie, and fuelled a little bit of hope by suggesting that a Dredd sequel was in talks. If you haven't seen Dredd, you must. I hope that comes to fruition.
Oh... and, of course, Carrie Fisher was there too. I might have even met her. But more on that next time...
THIS IS THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, FOLKS. There's a lot more coverage coming your way!!

I was supposed to be assembling some Avengers but our Lady Loki decided not to come and Toni Stark had to leave early. So Bronwyn Banner wandered the con floor alone :(