America has never been opposed to putting a monster in the White House (HA! POLITICAL ) so indie toy company Heroes in Action takes it another step further with their creepily creative line of Presidential Monster dolls. Presented in a similar retro style to the Mego figures of old, each 8 inch character is a tongue-in-cheek mash-up of a scary classic monster and a beloved (or loathed) US leader. Sadly they are long sold out of their brilliant "Baracula", but thanks to our good friends at Big Bad Toy Store we were able to snag a couple...
Find out which hideous creatures are running rampant in the West Wing... after the jump!
When you think of ex-president Bill Clinton a few things come to mind. You might say, "cigar", or "saxophone", or "semen-stained dress", but most people would think, "werewolf." And there's really no better way to capture Bill's transformation into an urge-satisfying uncontrollable wildman than this beautifully, vividly illustrated card art...
It seems like a terrible shame to even take these out of their packages but I am don't have the space and am determined to stop my collection from looking like a toy store. But these figures are incredibly well presented, and just look at that desirable line-up on the back. Zom-Bush! Lincolnstein! I really do want to "collect them all". And I'm a heathen Australian.
So we're going to be sacrilegious and free Wild Bill from his plastic prison because you just can't contain a potent presence like Bill. Just ask Hillary. Here he is in all his fanged, jazzy/jizzy glory...
They have a light, plasticky Mego quality - the joints are a bit loose, and there's something inherently goofy about the sculpt - but if you're a fan of that retro style then that's a plus not a negative. Bill feels handmade which I really love. If you watch AMC's Comic Book Men (Kevin Smith's "reality" show) then you may have seen the Presidential Monsters creator pop up to hawk his wares. He's definitely running a small operation and I think that's pretty inspiring, especially considering the overall appeal of his finished product. It spoke to me immediately and I really do feel that this is a project that's worthy of supporting.
Bill's not especially wolfed out. I think it was wise to keep the fur off his face in favour of a recognisable mug, but check out his tail bursting out the back of that shredded suit...
And here's a close up of his presidential noggin...
As you can see, some of the paint is a little rough up close, but it adds to his charm. I love the weird, kitsch nature of these. You feel like you're holding something unique, and I'd much rather that than a mass-produced monstrosity.
And while this line isn't huge on accessories I think that the addition of a saxophone is genius. There's absolutely no mistaking who this is.
You know, when you think about it, this one is pretty close to the real guy. Clinton was always tearing off his clothes and going nuts in the White House. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a lot of hair on his palms as well!
Wolf Bill is a big hit for me. It's going to take a whole lot of villagers with a ton of pitchforks and flaming torches to keep this guy at bay. All he needs now is a chubby intern doll he can ravage. (And look out for a Hillary/Elvira mash-up in a future series!).
So Clinton is still beloved, right? Right? So let's switch to someone who is famously loathed...
Nixon's heavy jowls make for a very easy transition into a slimy, toad-like swamp creature, and once again the incredible painted card art really drives home the point...
Goddamn I adore those webbed fingers, and it's wonderful that the gesture has been included on the figure. Check this guy out...
Actually, once again, it's not too far removed from the real thing. These are the smartest and most appropriate mash-ups I've ever seen to be honest. (They make a lot more sense than Disney's horrendous Darth Maul Donald Duck). Actually... I honestly don't know much about Nixon. I think I saw that Michelle Williams/Kirsten Dunst movie Dick, and was disappointed that it wasn't about something else.
And it's a great retro callback that his scales are printed on a fabric bodysuit. (You may recall Mego's Thing from the Fantastic Four who had his rocky texture printed on an orange bodysuit). Check out these shapely gams...
And take a better look at the detail on these gills...
And all the scales/fins that carry across to the back.
HOW CAN ANYONE NOT ENJOY FISHY MONSTER RICHARD NIXON!? It's impossible! We need to get in contact with the creator of these guys so that we can virtual high-five him. I am going to email him now!
Sweet, huh?
You can pick up your own Presidential Monsters here at Big Bad Toy Store, or why not have a browse on their official site!

This is a great write-up, thanks. I've been eyeing these figures for a few months and will probably take the plunge by proudly displaying them in my living room.