In office environments especially, there are often few opportunities for you to modify your environment and assert your personality. You need to make a statement! How about staking your claim with, what is clearly, the BEST DRINKING VESSEL EVER from which to chug evil, black, invigorating coffee! Yes, I am talking about Think Geek's M.O.D.O.K. Mug...
To find out exactly what the hell is going on here, and why I have this thing... join me after the jump!
The second that I became aware of the existence of this mug on Think Geek's site I knew I had to have it sullying my desk. If you didn't know, this gigantic baby-headed menace is a Marvel super-villain created by Stan "the Man" Lee and Jack "the King" Kirby! He's been tearing shit up since the heady 1960's, rumbling with all sorts of characters, including The Avengers - whose logo conspicuously appears on this massive box...
Oh man... if Whedon can find a way to shoehorn M.O.D.O.K. into The Avengers 2 then I will give birth to a million kittens! Can you imagine Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi as a bloated flying head with tiny baby arms and legs? It would be breathtaking, poignant, and sweep the awards season!
M.O.D.O.K. originally stood for "Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing" but now this new version has been upgraded to a "Mobile Organism Designed Only for Koffee". I'm happy to ignore the misspelling because the laffos are so great!
And there's a picture of the more modern comic book M.O.D.O.K. on the top of the box to scare you straight...
Now this was all a lot bigger than I was anticipating (and Think Geek put him in a massive shipping box) but there's a styrofoam shell inside and he had no problem surviving the long journey to Australia. Here he is in all his terrifying glory...
And he's most definitely a mug. There's his big old handle on the back so that you can thrust him aggressively into the faces of fearful onlookers...
This is one massive, study mug...
And it's going to hold an absolute shitload of coffee! I haven't drunk from it yet but only because I'm not sure there is enough liquid to fill it in the house. This thing is absolutely cavernous! A family of ferrets could nest in here...
I defy any of you to find a more awesome mug than this one! "World's Greatest Dad" just isn't going to cut it any more. We need to sip our dark brew from the gargantuan hollow heads of comic's greatest villains!
What sissy thing are you currently drinking out of? And if you've found a better mug (impossible!) then let me know in the barren comments section below!

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