Saturday, July 7, 2012

Get Some Hobbit Up in Your Hole!

If you're a little on the hobbitty side then you might  wish that you could decorate your hole with this newly released Comic Con poster for the first part of Sir Peter Jackson's epic The Hobbit. Aint it Cool showed it, I stole it, and I'm giving it to you. I'm a digital Robin Hood:

It's quite an enchanting and evocative poster, and perfectly captures beautiful vast expanses of scenery where absolutely nothing happens. Once Dark Knight Rises wraps up I guess we're going to have to be all about the Hobbit, so expect a lot more where this came from. 

And speaking of Hobbit holes, is there a market for a The Hobbit: A XXX Parody? Where's that announcement? Surely that will satiate a short, hairy niche? Only a matter of time. Remember, you heard it here first!

1 comment:

  1. What's up with the big "b" little "b"?

    Sorry... as a Hobbit fanboy, I need to complain about something. But this isn't as much of a complaint as just plain curiosity. There needs to be a big reason to go with a smaller "b", right?
