What!? I always assumed they were called Space Jockeys because they raced horses, wore jockey shorts, and constantly jockeyed for our attention!
This is actually a set of two separate figures as opposed to an elaborate piece of armour. Made by NECA, both are around 8.5 inches tall and BBTS has them listed right here for $34.99. Also interesting to note that this pair of Engineers are identified as "Series 01" so maybe we'll get a fass-bending David the Uneasily Polite Android later on.
To see what else caught my keen Collectorian eye... join me after the jump!
There's a ton of new listings from DC Direct for statues and busts based on their various properties, including X-TREEEEME fetishist Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. But my favourite is this Sam Greenwell sculpted Catwoman based on the over-sexed Guillem March version from the New 52:
I know that this boob-centric version of Catwoman created a lot of online angst and had prudes shuddering in their tightly fastened pants, but this was one of the books with art that I instantly liked. And the truth is, once Catwoman stopped banging Batman and learned to zip up the front of the suit I kind of lost interest a little. I kind of which DC had the courage to commit to it.
So if you feel the same way perhaps you can re-live the glory years (months) by pre-ordering this 10 inch statue for a very reasonable $84.99 (you thought it was going to be HUNDREDS, didn't you?). Maybe they'll make a Batman that tastefully "connects" to her.
Okay, I'm not a huge Zelda fan (although I do love Ocarina of Time) but I know that many of you guys are nutty for it. You can't even click on a link without thinking of Link. That's how bad you've got it. So I've included an image of this super posable Link Figma figure:
Just look at the little fella' enthusiastically hack up the grass in search of precious gems! Industrious!
He has interchangeable heads that switch from, "Nah, I'm cool, brah" to "Why I oughta!", his sword and shield (and a clip on swiping effect) and a stand that will allow him to strike all sorts of crazy poses. I don't know how big he is but he's $63.99 so I'm going to say bigger than an ant but smaller than a Volkswagen. You can pre-order him here.
(Okay... I had to look up Figma figures, and although this isn't new, if I were you I'd order this sweetass Robocop Figma!
Okay, it's not all about toys. What about some clothing? Let's say you were worried that everyday people on the street wouldn't be able to tell you're a comic nerd simply by looking at you. Then you need one of these new Mad Engine hoodies, probably this Iron Man one because the womenfolk dig billionaire industrialists with neat facial hair.
There's plenty of other ones to choose from, like Spider-Man if you're a wise-cracker, Captain America if you're a patriotic stiff, and Deadpool if you talk too much and have cancer.
There's also G.I. Joe hoodies (Snake-eyes and Stormshadow) and plenty of Star Wars ones. Although trust me, you'll attract more one night stands with this one:
Than you will with this one:
Just saying. They're $69.99 each and you view the full range here.
"What do we become assholes or something?" "Possibly... but check out the car! It frigging flies now!"
To celebrate the fact that Back to the Future is still incredibly awesome, Diamond Select are reissuing their fully featured model of the flying future Delorean. So if you don't have one in your collection then now is the time to step up and be a man. (Or wo-man). With lighting effects it looks so realistic that you'll probably try to climb inside to find out just how big an asshole you could become in the future. I'm still kind of content with being one in the present.
Awesome Flying Delorean Time Travel Super Machine will set you back a mere $49.99 which is $10 cheaper than the MSRP! That's a future machine at a price of the past!
Now we're going to look at another personal favourite. Plucky Belgian pants-tucker Tintin! If you haven't lost yourself in Herge's timeless adventure comics then I don't know whether to weep for you or point and laugh. See the full range of new collectibles from Moulinsart here but the real star is this 17 inch long shark submarine statue from Red Rackham's Treasure (what I wouldn't do for a rack of ham!):
It's available for pre-order here for $259.99 and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. The certificate probably says, "Yep. This is a shark-shaped submarine all right!".
And finally, a little something for you Team Fortress fans who humiliatingly crush me every time I load up the game. It's the Team Fortress 2 13" The Medic statue:
The design in this game has always been pretty iconic so if you're a sour-faced, pragmatic, life-saver like this guy here then you will probably want to put this on a pedestal in your living room so that everybody knows it. You guys are the true heroes! Saving lives!
He's $209.99 and you can pre-order him right here. Only 750 of these exist so if you're one of the 750 who will want one then you'd better get your skates on. Your shopping skates. For shopping.
And that's what's new this week! Is there anything you need to have!?
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