We've been revealing the cards for Pixel Lincoln: The Deckbuilding Game each day at both http://www.pixellincoln.com and http://www.boardgamegeek.com... but here at Fruitless Pursuits you can get them all in one place.
Look for the Beardarang, a taco-throwing Luchador, a head-banging NPC, hi-fiving extra lives, and a totally boss final boss... right after the jump!
Well, it’s Pixel Lincoln’s base weapon. And what else would he use other than his beard? He throws his beard and it immediately grows back!
It’s an extra life! Very handy in video games, especially the HARD ones. In the Pixel Lincoln DS game, you may come across one of these statues. If you get close enough, Pixel Lincoln will hi five the statue, giving the player one extra life.
In the card game, Secret Items are shuffled into the level deck and randomly drawn. As soon as one is revealed, the game can become a race to pick it up. They are rare, powerful, and best of all free!
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That's all for this week. We'll start it all up again on Monday. We also hit our $10,000 stretch goal, so all backers will get Pixel Lincoln meeples with their copy of the game. Our next goal is $20,000, where we will be able to add a level board into the game. Check it out!
If you like old-school video games, and you're looking for an all new style of deckbuilding games, please support Pixel Lincoln on Kickstarter! We have some great stretch rewards and custom character cards for our backers. Thanks everyone!
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