"Let the Wookie win" may be sound advice, but it'll be awkward playing this game if that is the case. I mean, if you let him win, then he keeps the love of your life. But if you win, he'll rip your arms off. Choices
With a shout out to Grug for finding this, Ript Apparel has this beauty of a design (designed by Beware1984) on sale as a shirt or hoodie today. Keep in mind its a one-day only sale site, so if you don't grab it today you won't be able to otherwise.
While a cool design, I'm not certain how "logical" of a game it'd be. I mean, once the helmets get to R2, do they catch fire? I'm not going to argue on it because I've already ordered it, but there are some serious anger management issues to work out in this particular senario between these Space Bros.
Does this result in Han having to shoot his best friend in order to save Leia?