You're welcome
Saturday, October 15, 2011
lady gaga ft. jim carrey
Have you ever imagined what a Lady Gaga song sung by Jim Carrey would be like...
jim carrey,
lady gaga,
Timothy Merks,
Local Toy Fair Haul!: Ewoks! Alf! Rock Lord!??
Every three months, a local community centre here in Western Australia hosts a mini "toy fair", transforming their gym into an Aladdin's cave of both brand new and secondhand toys, collectibles, and crap! It's become customary for me to post my quarterly haul on my own site, but this time it's particularly apt to post it here as I've dug up some rare treasures that the Fruitless Pursuits staff and I have been enthusiastically discussing over the past few weeks.
For example, any guesses as to what this is?...
OH. MY. GOD. See this plasticky blob take on its true form, and plenty more (ALF fans rejoice!) after the jump!
For example, any guesses as to what this is?...
OH. MY. GOD. See this plasticky blob take on its true form, and plenty more (ALF fans rejoice!) after the jump!
Star Wars,
toy fair,
trading cards
New Bad Lip Reading - Mitt Romney is a Gremlin and he's Leaving the Party!
Last week Jacinta introduced me to the wonderful world of Bad Lip Reading with Michael Buble's fantastic remastered Russian Unicorn. Allow me to return the favour by sharing this newest video in which presidential candidate Mitt Romney is refitted with a whole lot of crazy and hilarious bullshit to say as he hits the campaign trail. I need a seamstress, stat! Because my sides have split...
As a blissfully ignorant Australian, I don't really know who this guy is - although I will say that these aren't the craziest things I've heard come out of a US president's mouth. ZING! IT JUST GOT ALL POLITICAL UP IN HERE!!
Bad Lip Reading,
Go Vacation
manly tears
Timothy Merks,
When Actors Attack! (Music)
Be it their need to further 'express themselves creatively', or the fact they're not getting enough attention in their day jobs, actors have been joining the 'I'm in a BAND' club in the droves. My research for this blog post has had me listening to some TRULY awful attempts at musicianship, leading me to believe there should be some sort of 'Cruelty To Fangirls' law, cause SHIT. To keep in line with our Fruitless Pursuits pop culture slant, I've picked out 10 sci-fi/fantasy actors with musical projects that you should totally check out (no, I'm not actually featuring Jared Leto's 30 Seconds to Mars, because that's far too obvious. I Jared Leto).
Clone Wars Recap S4 E06: Nomad Droids!
With a host of writers and directors The Clone Wars animated series can be quite uneven. It's either breathtakingly brilliant, or frustratingly bland. It's mostly great, but you can guarantee that if you recommend the show to someone who's still on the fence then the first episode they see won't be one of the better ones.
So if you are unsure, then I heartily recommend this one. Nomad Droids is an epic, episodic romp starring C3PO and R2D2. It's filled with adventure, dark humour, and a lot of surprises. Bookended by a peripheral battle, it thrusts Artoo and Threepio back into their unassuming Rosencrantz and Guildernstern roles, giving them free reign to reluctantly influence events in three very unique scenarios. Along the way there are a lot of callbacks to the original trilogy. You'll certainly recognise some iconic shots.
So if you are unsure, then I heartily recommend this one. Nomad Droids is an epic, episodic romp starring C3PO and R2D2. It's filled with adventure, dark humour, and a lot of surprises. Bookended by a peripheral battle, it thrusts Artoo and Threepio back into their unassuming Rosencrantz and Guildernstern roles, giving them free reign to reluctantly influence events in three very unique scenarios. Along the way there are a lot of callbacks to the original trilogy. You'll certainly recognise some iconic shots.
You know, I love this one so much that I'm reluctant to actually recap it! If you're keen to see it then I'm loathe to spoil any of the moments, and if you already have seen it, then why don't we just high-five each other and discuss it in the comments section. And if you saw it and didn't like it, then I will battle you in the comments section. Have at you!
This is the best one this season and among my all time favourites.
Clone Wars,
Clone Wars Recap,
Star Wars
Rocktober Gallery Day #15
Rocktober Gallery
Wünderful stuff
Here's an add full of nostalgic pop culture
Of course using pop nostalgia to sell a product can cause arguments and I've posted live* footage of a heated exchange about this clip* after the jump
Of course using pop nostalgia to sell a product can cause arguments and I've posted live* footage of a heated exchange about this clip* after the jump
hanna barbera,
mr men,
Timothy Merks,
yogi bear,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Project Runway Recaps: S09 E12
OMG you guys the final challenge!!! Who is going to Fashion Week?!? Who is going to cry on the runway?!? It is possible for Josh's shirts to get any more unbuttoned?!? Find out below the cut!
Heidi Klum,
Jessica McLeod,
Project Runway,
Halloween Advent 2011 - Lego Figure Calendar by Morgan190
I don't know much about Morgan190 besides the following.
-He also goes by Morgan19
-His name is not Morgan (it's Jamie)
-He makes some of the best custom Lego minifigures I've ever seen.
Check out the highlights from his 2011 Halloween Advent Calendar below, and follow the rest of the month here on his Flickr account. While you are there, make sure you look around. There are almost 1000 images (mostly Lego). The historical figure collection is pretty amazing, and his Dark Helmet blows my contest-winning Spaceballs Winnebago out of this Solar System.
-He also goes by Morgan19
-His name is not Morgan (it's Jamie)
-He makes some of the best custom Lego minifigures I've ever seen.
Check out the highlights from his 2011 Halloween Advent Calendar below, and follow the rest of the month here on his Flickr account. While you are there, make sure you look around. There are almost 1000 images (mostly Lego). The historical figure collection is pretty amazing, and his Dark Helmet blows my contest-winning Spaceballs Winnebago out of this Solar System.
More highlights after the jump.
custom toys,
J. Tagmire,
Rocktober Mixtape: Jessica
Have you ever sat down and looked at your iTunes collection and tried to make a mixtape? It's overwhelming! That's why I chose a theme. Some of these songs are about colours, some just have a passing reference, but they're all great and they make an eclectic and unexpected collection.
Jessica McLeod,
Thank Gif It's Friday
Jessica McLeod,
Star Trek,
Thank Gif It's Friday
Autobots Assemble!
For the new Transformers: Fall of Cybertron teaser!
Stryder Wolfe,
Boards and Beers: Angry Birds the Board Game
Ok, so you have a problem with a pack of irate green pigs who want to sit on all of your furniture and random sheets of glass. You're pretty much at a loss as to what to do, so why not launch birds at them and hope that that solves it. I mean, whats the worst that can happen, right? well...
Angry Birds is a game that more or less every one is familiar with in some capacity. Be it they've played the video game on their iPhone/Android, or they've given a stuffed bird as a gift to someone, theres a really real chance that they are at the very least familiar with Angry birds. Question is, did they know there is a board game?
Angry Birds is a game that more or less every one is familiar with in some capacity. Be it they've played the video game on their iPhone/Android, or they've given a stuffed bird as a gift to someone, theres a really real chance that they are at the very least familiar with Angry birds. Question is, did they know there is a board game?
Angry Birds,
board game,
Boards and Beers,
D&D Day by Day: Eye of the Deep
But we are not talking about the Beholder today. No sir, we are instead talking about their backwater, atlantean dwelling, crab loving cousin - the Eye of the Deep.
More after the jump, if you dare
Recap: America's Next Top Model Season 17, Episode 5
America's Next Top Model,
Jessica McLeod,
The C-List Podcast Episode 16: C-List Comic Character Crossover!
After a mysterious hiatus, The C-List Podcast returns with guns blazing and many jaws yapping! Yes, for the first time ever, Mike Taylor and I have guest stars! Here's the description, straight from our official site:
Hosts: Mike and Luke, with special guests Mladen Luketin and Kris Bather
Run Time: 01.15:58
Original Music by The Data Parade
To hear more from Kris and Mladen, check out their podcast at Extra Sequential.
"In this very special episode we are joined by Mladen and Kris, hosts of brilliant Australian comics podcast Extra Sequential! We throw our usual format out the window, and instead of talking about movies, we discuss and mock a cavalcade of crappy C-List characters from Marvel and DC's shady past. Our four-way conference call may have our audio quality straining, but you will not want to miss learning about colourful character such as: mystical midget Puck, the sensational (and possibly feral) squirrel girl, and a mental organism designed only for killing. (Not "kissing" or "knitting" as we soon discovered. You'd be a stupid idiot to miss our biggest episode yet!"DOWNLOAD it now at The C-List Podcast!
Hosts: Mike and Luke, with special guests Mladen Luketin and Kris Bather
Run Time: 01.15:58
Original Music by The Data Parade
To hear more from Kris and Mladen, check out their podcast at Extra Sequential.
Extra Sequential,
The C-List
Rocktober Gallery Day #14
Rocktober Gallery
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Oh internets
So what do you have for me today Internets?
How about some photoshopped....
ohhhh Photoshoped stuff. That's boring internets
Bitch look! Disney face swaps.
...I am impressed
wait there is more
How about some photoshopped....
ohhhh Photoshoped stuff. That's boring internets
Bitch look! Disney face swaps.
...I am impressed
wait there is more
Timothy Merks
Awesome New Muppets Trailer Is Awesome!
There's less than six weeks to go before The Muppets finally return to theaters, and I for one CANNOT wait. I've seriously considered having myself frozen for the next few weeks so I can come out and have the movie already in theaters...but my research shows this doesn't usually work out as well as I'd like.
So instead, I'll just have to watch the new trailer a couple hundred more times to get me through. Join me, won't you?
So instead, I'll just have to watch the new trailer a couple hundred more times to get me through. Join me, won't you?
Mike Wickliff,
Darth Maul Returns to The Clone Wars: Teaser!
With The Phantom Menace returning to the big screen next year in 3D, it was only a matter of time before a skilled surgeon stitched the two severed halves of iconic villain Darth Maul back together to coincide with the event. We all knew it was going to happen, but the following teaser video is official proof that Maul somehow survived the Great Halving and will work his way into The Clone Wars animated series this US spring. The Clone Wars part is right at the end...
What do you make of this tomfoolery!?
Clone Wars,
Star Wars
An amazing and awesome animated Adventures of Tintin trailer!!
I am MAD FOR THIS. And can totally pick what every image is referencing. It is well awesome and completely worth your time, especially if you fondly remember the Nelvana TV series.
The Adventures of Tintin from James Curran on Vimeo.
The Adventures of Tintin from James Curran on Vimeo.
Found at Walmart: Masters of the Universe Hot Wheels?
Halloween hasn't even hit yet, but the stores are starting to beef up their holiday inventory. I was at two Walmarts today and one (the clean one) had it's toy aisles stocked! I even saw Logray and Bastila Shan Star Wars figures after whining about bit seeing any new figures on this weeks Fruitless Pursuitscast.
But in the other one (the dirrrrty one) I found these bizarre Hot Wheels. Classic Cars and Masters of the Universe go together like... Classic Cars and Masters of the Universe. I don't really get it, and I'm not sure who actually does, but a few of these were kind of cool. Especially if you try and picture these paintings on real cars.
Sorry for the grainy and blurry photos. I'm working with a last generation iPhone here (well, in about 12 hours it it'll be last gen).
Want to see more? Click on through to see the whole series. But first, I have a question. Can you believe they made 8 of these? I guess it makes sense since there's such a limited demographic for the Hot Wheels/ He-Man combo... why not try to sell that one customer 8 different cars?
J. Tagmire,
Masters of the Universe,
Live Action Voltron!! Sort Of...
I can see where some folks might not like this video, but personally, I love it!
It may have something to do with the fact that the actor is Timothy Omundson AKA "Detective Carlton Lassiter" from the TV show Psych, and I'm very much a fan. Obviously, you're free to come up with your own opinion.
I got this in an email from Geek Chic Daily
It may have something to do with the fact that the actor is Timothy Omundson AKA "Detective Carlton Lassiter" from the TV show Psych, and I'm very much a fan. Obviously, you're free to come up with your own opinion.
I got this in an email from Geek Chic Daily
Mike Wickliff,
Ok I think this is a super rad trailer for a comic book called Teotl. You can see some pages over on this blog by Melody Cisinsk. One of those super talented people who graduated from the Gobelins animation school.
With you're google translate activated you might find some more info on the website
Timothy Merks
Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin. First impressions
Oh, dear. This was a very mixed experienced for me, for so many reasons.
And I do have to admit that the majority of my issues stem from Miss Day herself. I have infinite love and respect for Bioware, but I can't come to any conclusion other than the cynical one regarding why on earth they chose to take her LARPing character and centre a whole expansion around it.
More after the cut:
And I do have to admit that the majority of my issues stem from Miss Day herself. I have infinite love and respect for Bioware, but I can't come to any conclusion other than the cynical one regarding why on earth they chose to take her LARPing character and centre a whole expansion around it.
More after the cut:
Console games,
Rocktober: Hyperspace Hoopla!
I love Star Wars and I'll defend it with my weak, effeminate fists! I can defend ewoks, and gungans, and infinite tinkering. I can defend holiday specials and Bea Arthur singing. And I'll most definitely defend Uncle George himself. But I cannot defend this...
Described inaccurately as "hilarious" and "a highlight" the Star Wars Hyperspace Hoopla is a live stage show that runs at Disney's Hollywood Studios as part of their Star Wars Weekends. It features embarrassingly over-the-top performances by people in Star Wars costumes who dance along to contemporary hit songs by artists such as Lady Gaga and Ludacris. Ever wanted to see Darth Vader with a Michael Jackson silver glove showing you how "bad" he is? Jawa gangster rappers? Amidala dancing to Material Girl? Then allow me to hook you up with the following clip!
There's 18 minutes of this and I can't watch without fast-forwarding every four or five seconds. You cannot unsee what you are about to see. Yeah, I get that it's for small children - it's not for us - but why have an Internet if we can't be joyless and cynical together? Bend over your childhood and brace it for this!:
That's a snippet from the 2010 show. If you're not vomiting blood, join me after the jump and I'll show you the 2009 and 2008 versions. Rocktober ROCKS!
Described inaccurately as "hilarious" and "a highlight" the Star Wars Hyperspace Hoopla is a live stage show that runs at Disney's Hollywood Studios as part of their Star Wars Weekends. It features embarrassingly over-the-top performances by people in Star Wars costumes who dance along to contemporary hit songs by artists such as Lady Gaga and Ludacris. Ever wanted to see Darth Vader with a Michael Jackson silver glove showing you how "bad" he is? Jawa gangster rappers? Amidala dancing to Material Girl? Then allow me to hook you up with the following clip!
There's 18 minutes of this and I can't watch without fast-forwarding every four or five seconds. You cannot unsee what you are about to see. Yeah, I get that it's for small children - it's not for us - but why have an Internet if we can't be joyless and cynical together? Bend over your childhood and brace it for this!:
That's a snippet from the 2010 show. If you're not vomiting blood, join me after the jump and I'll show you the 2009 and 2008 versions. Rocktober ROCKS!
music videos,
Star Wars
Rocktober Gallery Day #13
Rocktober Gallery
Apple movie
Oh there's some swears in this. Just in case you are still working and are in a no swears workplace with some impressionable children who want to see the ponies.
Timothy Merks,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
WedNESday: Super Smash Land!!
Super Smash Bros is one of my favorite video game series. It's not just that it's a ton of fun to beat down my friends, but it's also because the games are jam packed with unlockable Nintendo goodness. I bought Smash Bros Brawl on launch day and I'm still unlocking things in that game. Melee had some of the best multiplayer tournaments I've ever played. (many 64 match brackets using just 1 hit kills)
It's been a few years since Brawl. I'm getting the itch for a new game, and I'm sure others are as well. But there is something new to play while we wait for details on the WiiU Smash Bros installment that was kind of announced at E3...
It's a retro GameBoy styled Smash Bros game that's available for FREE for PC at I dug out my PC to finally try this tonight and it's really well made. The music is great, the gameplay is wonderful, and it has so many touches of the Smash Bros games.
It's been a few years since Brawl. I'm getting the itch for a new game, and I'm sure others are as well. But there is something new to play while we wait for details on the WiiU Smash Bros installment that was kind of announced at E3...
It's a retro GameBoy styled Smash Bros game that's available for FREE for PC at I dug out my PC to finally try this tonight and it's really well made. The music is great, the gameplay is wonderful, and it has so many touches of the Smash Bros games.
Screenshots and video after the jump.
J. Tagmire,
Super Smash Land,
The Clone Wars - Preview Image, Sneak Peek and Reminder!!
This image has me so excited for this Friday's episode of The Clone Wars. So much that I am posting it here as a reminder, not only for all of you, but also for myself. Every Friday, I get wrapped up in unwinding from a week's work and forget to watch it... but this week will be different.
As an Ewok, Yoda, Jawa, Ugnaught fan (did I miss any?)... I can't wait to see what these little guys are all about.
It looks even better in full size, courtesy of
I can't seem to embed the two preview clips, but they are available at Toonzone's preview page, or on youTube here and here.
![]() |
"Nomad Droids" airs Friday Oct 14th at 8:30pm on Cartoon Network |
It looks even better in full size, courtesy of
I can't seem to embed the two preview clips, but they are available at Toonzone's preview page, or on youTube here and here.
J. Tagmire,
Star Wars
ROCKtober: It's so good now
I haven't done anything for ROCKTOOOOOOOOBAHHH!!! So I shall contribute something.
Something amazing from Japan
That's an awesome rock out at the end.
I have a few more crazy clips after the jump
Something amazing from Japan
That's an awesome rock out at the end.
I have a few more crazy clips after the jump
Review: Zombie Outlaw #1!
So we were generously sent (all the way to Australia) a review copy of new self-published comic Zombie Outlaw #1, written by Brian J. Apodaca, with art by B. Paul Jordan.
What's it all about and how does it stack up? Join me after the jump and we'll find out!
"Acera or the Witches' Dance" by Jean Painlevé
Short film by French filmmaker Jean Painlevé. From "Science is Fiction"
short film,
Timothy Merks
Rocktober Gallery Day #12
Rocktober Gallery
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Mistaken hero identities
legend of zelda,
metal gear,
Timothy Merks,
No Beer
Yeahhhh, yeahhhh, NOOOOOOO
Timothy Merks,
Nerd Craft: Gremlins applique
This Mogwai applique embroidery manages to be adorable, nerdy, and beautifully executed all at the same time. It was designed and made by Chelsea Bloxsom, aka loveandasandwich on Flickr. It's both a cute home decoration and Public Service Announcement!
Jessica McLeod,
ROCKtober: Before You Were Born - A mix by J. Tagmire
I went with some old favorites for my ROCKtober mix. So old that most songs were recorded and released before I was born, and possibly before you were born. It's not super rocking, but it's super awesome. A little rock, a little new wave, a few kind of folky ones, and a few of my favorite songs of all time. Hope you enjoy it.
J. Tagmire,
The Book Was Better Podcast: Episode 4, High School Musical!
Yes! Jessica McLeod and I return for a brand, spanking new The Book Was Better podcast and we are seriously, actually, I-shit-you-not-ingly talking about the NOVELISATION of Disney tween song and dance extravaganza High School Musical! Will dreamy b-baller Troy become the first person ever to be good at two different things? Get your head in the game and find out! Here's what Jess says:
Hosts: Jessica McLeod and Luke Milton
Run Time: 53:30
"If you love musicals for their clunky, wooden dialogue and threadbare characterisation but hate the music, you'll love the novelisation of inexplicable pop culture phenomenon High School Musical! Join us as we take a book that is meant for people under the age of 10 and ruin it for everyone. If you are under 18, please don't listen. Seriously. We're terrible people."Grab it from the official site.
Hosts: Jessica McLeod and Luke Milton
Run Time: 53:30
Jessica McLeod,
The Book Was Better
What's Out? Week of the 12th of Rocktober
This week I'm battling the tiniest illness and a Breaking Bad hangover all to let you know what shipped this week.
You're welcome!
Ive Sorocuk,
what's out?
Kickstarter Campaign: Zong Shi from Eagle/Gryphon Games
Eagle/Gryphon Games has been around for a while now, and has consistently released board games that I have found fun, engaging, and wanting to go back to time and again. This past year, E/G has started using Kickstarter to test the waters on some of their titles that don't always traditionally fit with their previous offerings. To date, they have had successful Kickstarter campaigns for the games The Road to Canterbury and Mirror Mirror, and have just launched their newest campaign this morning for Kevin Nunn's Zong Shi, a worker placement game set in old China.
You can find the Kickstarter page for this game here.
Follow the jump for the press release and more
You can find the Kickstarter page for this game here.
Follow the jump for the press release and more
board game,
Eagle Games,
Kevin G Nunn,
Kevin Nunn,
Zong Shi
ROCKtober: William Freakin' Shatner!

If you're like me, you follow William Shatner (@williamshatner) on the Twitter...because why wouldn't you? He's William Shatner!! Yes, okay, it is well established that I am a Trek fanboy, but...Shatner!
Anyway, Mister Shatner has been on Twitter today talking about the release of his new CD: Seeking Major Tom. It's a 20 track, 2-disk album of covers ranging from the aforementioned "Major Tom" to Black Sabbath's "Iron Man", to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", and several points in-between! All done in Shatner's trademark style and ready for you to love!
Personally, I still like owning physical copies of things, so I'll be buying mine in a store today (assuming Best Buy has copies), but you can get it from iTunes, Rhapsody, Spotify, and Amazon...and those are just the ones he mentioned in his Twitter feed. It seems to be a very different animal than the underrated and very awesome Has Been album from a few years ago, but from what I've been hearing so far, I'm going to love it just as much.
Mike Wickliff,
new releases,
Star Trek
Lupin the III: Chi no Kokuin ~ Eien no Mermaid
There's a new film coming out celebrating 40 years of the loveable rascal Lupin the third
(I rant a bit more about Lupin after the jump)
(I rant a bit more about Lupin after the jump)
Seijun Suzuki,
takeshi koike,
Timothy Merks
ROCKtober review - The Pretty Reckless
As a kid born in the mid 70's, I am almost 100% sure that all the good music came out either before I was born or else in that magical time between "Appetite For Destruction" and "Jagged Little Pill" when everything was awesome. There are, however, a few bands that prove the exception. My current favourite is a groovy little rock band that call themselves The Pretty Reckless.
The Pretty Reckless is a simple rock n' roll band with lots of guitars, a hot 18 year old lead singer and an album called "Light Me Up". I was all set to hate them but it turns out they actually sound good! Not only that, but there's a story here...find out more after the jump (one pic maybe NSFW)!
The Pretty Reckless is a simple rock n' roll band with lots of guitars, a hot 18 year old lead singer and an album called "Light Me Up". I was all set to hate them but it turns out they actually sound good! Not only that, but there's a story here...find out more after the jump (one pic maybe NSFW)!
music videos,
Stryder Wolfe,
The Pretty Reckless
Avengers Assemble!
Yeah, it's not a creative title. Sorry
Let me make it up to you. Click on the pic of Captain America below, and you can see the brand new trailer released this morning for the upcoming Avengers movie. Sadly, I couldn't just embed it on the page.
It is very awesome. That is all. Enjoy.
Let me make it up to you. Click on the pic of Captain America below, and you can see the brand new trailer released this morning for the upcoming Avengers movie. Sadly, I couldn't just embed it on the page.
It is very awesome. That is all. Enjoy.

Captain America,
Iron Man,
Mike Wickliff,
Yardsailing: Can You Name These Action Figures?
I am a chronic Yardsailor. I'll usually visit a few yard sales each weekend (via BOAT!) (not really) (I wish), looking for board games, action figures, Lego, bad art, and anything else to clutter up my already cluttered home. This past weekend was a bust, with the exception of 2 bags of action figures. They cost $1 each, and were made up of some recognizable, but mystery figures.
Click through the jump to see what I bought, and join in on the comments to tell me what they actually are, and if I wasted my two bucks.
Click through the jump to see what I bought, and join in on the comments to tell me what they actually are, and if I wasted my two bucks.
J. Tagmire,
yard sales,
Knife Gun
Have you ever been torn between choosing a knife or a gun?
Well my friends this dilemma has been solved thanks to the knife gun.
(I'm now more afraid of people with knives)
Well my friends this dilemma has been solved thanks to the knife gun.
(I'm now more afraid of people with knives)
Russia fps,
Timothy Merks,
Rocktober Gallery Day #11
Rocktober Gallery
Monday, October 10, 2011
ROCKTOBER: Santana Shreds! (plus Slash, Eddie Van Halen, Iron Maiden and more)
Inspired by Jacinta's BadLipReading post, I thought I would share some of my favorite "Shreds" videos.
If you haven't seen a Shreds video before, they are basically live band performance videos with the audio recreated to make the band sound terrible. The videos were originally created by YouTube user STSanders, until he was banned and then the copycats took over. Luckily, many of his videos have been reposted over the years and made their way back up to a million hits.
Here is the one that started it all for me.. followed by some of STSanders best, and one from the new wave of Shreds videos.
If you haven't seen a Shreds video before, they are basically live band performance videos with the audio recreated to make the band sound terrible. The videos were originally created by YouTube user STSanders, until he was banned and then the copycats took over. Luckily, many of his videos have been reposted over the years and made their way back up to a million hits.
Here is the one that started it all for me.. followed by some of STSanders best, and one from the new wave of Shreds videos.
J. Tagmire,
Signs You're Giving Superheroes A Bad Name
A) Your name is Dan Didio. (That's a joke. Mostly.)
B) You're this guy:

That, in an image I pulled from the Huffington Post, is Phoenix Jones; one of the real-life "superhero" protectors of Seattle, Washington. This past weekend, he was arrested for assault outside of a nightclub. More details after the jump.
B) You're this guy:

That, in an image I pulled from the Huffington Post, is Phoenix Jones; one of the real-life "superhero" protectors of Seattle, Washington. This past weekend, he was arrested for assault outside of a nightclub. More details after the jump.
Mike Wickliff,
Dreadfleet Update 2! Lots More Pirate Painting...
This is a follow up to my previous post about swashbuckling, seafaring, fantasy-pirate-battling miniature wargame Dreadfleet, which I bought three days ago and feel like I've been assembling and painting ever since. As I said before, I am completely new to this type of game - in fact, I still have zero idea how to play it - and this is my very first time painting miniatures, so the learning curve is extremely steep. So, because it's such a massive project, I thought it might be fun to share my progress as I go.
Such as this new picture of my updated Black Kraken!...
To see many more completed ships and scenic elements, join me after the jump! I have seven ships done with just three to go!...
Such as this new picture of my updated Black Kraken!...
To see many more completed ships and scenic elements, join me after the jump! I have seven ships done with just three to go!...
board game,
Fruitless Pursuits Podcast: Episode Four.
You know we do a weekly podcast, right? Where we discuss all the big news of this week? This week was a testosterone powered three-way as J., Taylor and Luke talked about sissy nerdy things like manly men!
Topics dicsussed:
- Kickstarter pitfalls
- Star Wars action figure drought
- Dreadfleet
- Rocktober
- Obscure toys of the eighties
- Roboforce
- DC dilemmas
- Is print really dead?
You can subscribe on iTunes or just use the link below:
Click to stream. Right click to download.
Fruitless Pursuitscast Episode 4
Topics dicsussed:
- Kickstarter pitfalls
- Star Wars action figure drought
- Dreadfleet
- Rocktober
- Obscure toys of the eighties
- Roboforce
- DC dilemmas
- Is print really dead?
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Fruitless Pursuitscast Episode 4
Fruitless Pursuitscast,
J. Tagmire,
Bored To Death returns tonight!
Season 3 of Bored To Death starts on HBO tonight. I'm assuming that a lot of people don't know about this show. I'm not 100% sure why, because it's a network show on it's third season, with three pretty big names (Ted Danson, Zach Galifinakis, Jason Schwartzmann)... but for some reason it still has a personal, indie feel to it.
It looks like they are amping up the detective/serial setting for season three. There are some cool guests too. I can't wait!
Here is the season three teaser trailer.
It looks like they are amping up the detective/serial setting for season three. There are some cool guests too. I can't wait!
Here is the season three teaser trailer.
Bored To Death,
J. Tagmire
Kickstart the Week: Myachi Battle Paddle - A game accessory by David Fritz
This week we're featuring Myachi Battle Paddle's by David Fritz, product developer and producer of my fathers favorite album of all time, Mob Hits. (who knew!?)
Click here to visit and support the project on Kickstarter!
Read more about the project and my interview with creator, David Fritz after the jump.
Click here to visit and support the project on Kickstarter!
Read more about the project and my interview with creator, David Fritz after the jump.
Rocktober Gallery Day #10
Metal Mondays,
Rocktober Gallery
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon
fancy adventures,
Timothy Merks,
HAWP- Fallout: New Vegas
Get More:, HAWP - Fallout: New Vegas, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Timothy Merks,
A PSA for Pokemon and Minecraft
Timothy Merks
Don't Hold Back
music videos,
Star Wars,
Timothy Merks
Weekly Re-Crap - Week ending October 9th
This week was a tie for our biggest week ever! What does that mean though?
It means we posted a whole bunch ofcrap awesome stuff. 48 items to be exact. Lots of ROCK! Check it all out after the jump.
It means we posted a whole bunch of
J. Tagmire,
Rocktober Gallery Day #9
Rocktober Gallery
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