Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Night Movie Review: Louis CK: Live At The Beacon Theater

I had fully intended to watch something else, but the new Louis CK live performance DVD would not leave my mind. Links and praise about the downloadable performance have been popping up all over my Twitter feed and Facebook account all week long, so I decided to finally give in. It's hard to resist when the hour long comedy show is only $5 through Paypal, and you get a few streams as well as a few downloads. It took about 2 and a half clicks and it was mine, which is more convenient than most other methods, even YouTube (which is slow as ever now) or torrents. It also is as cheap as buying a medium sized app, which I don't think twice about.

Even after buying and downloading the show, I only wanted to watch 5 minutes and then start up my other movie. And that turned out to be one of my worst ideas yet. After 5 minutes there was no turning back.

The set is hilarious, as you would probably expect. It's also pretty NSFW as you would also expect.

Here are a few topics:
-Uses for bodies after death
-Jacking off
-Destroying his children in monopoly
-Jacking off 
-White people ruining America
-Jacking off
-Hating a six year old bastard named Jesandapuss
-Jacking off

..and while not discussed, another main focal point is the massive sweat stain that grows on Louie's shirt throughout the show. It's like a train wreck, and I couldn't look away.

If you're a fan of Louis CK, deeply personal standup comedy, and cheap convenient download deals.. you can download this special right here:


  1. he's freaking hilarious. This special is great and his sitcom "Louis" just came to canada last week so I finally got to see an episode.

    er. Or I maybe i just *noticed* it in canada last week. I haven't actually done any research...

  2. This is the man that my wife thinks is me. Or I'm him. Or something. She thinks I act like him, talk like him, think like him, have his outlook on life, and look like I could be related to him.

    I need to do something about her I think.

  3. Ken, I can definitely see the relation. Or at least fake relation.

    I need to watch more of Louie. I've only caught a few bits and pieces, and they were great.

  4. The TV show is fantastic. Really sublime and amazingly written. Very raw obviously and not for everyone, a lot of gutter humor too, but it is brilliant.
