Every day has a different theme. Every day, a photo needs to be taken that follows the daily theme and posted here. Every photo needs to be taken the same day as its daily theme and posted here during that day.At one point the blog had about 20 or so contributors, including a large variety of folks who contribute here. The blog was a success in the sense that it was completed, however unfortunately it was not by me. For whatever reason, I fell behind in posting, and then it became overwhelming to play catch up, and then it became embarassing, and then I was humiliated to have abandoned what I started and to have someone else pick up where I left off and complete it. Whats worse is that I never went back to see what was there until now.
I'm posting the photos from today two years ago to reshare them with you. Some are pretty fantastic, others inspired, more for the sake of the project. While two years is not as impressive as say...10 years, it's interesting to look and compare how much things have changed.
More after the Jump...
"The first thing I thought of for "old" was a tree. Then I thought of my shoes. They're probably older than this tree. Here's a picture of both''
"For this one I opened up "the archive". I have a large plastic tub full of old posters, trading cards, comics, news articles, ticket stubs, flyers from shows and stuff I've written. I lock it all away in the hopes that one day when I'm old and dumb I can show someone and they'll give a shit. Shudder in fear, future grandchildren."
"I work in the renovated mills in the lovely city of Manchester, where they have taken various objects that used to make the mill run and turned them into "art." This item is so old that it isn't even labeled, it merely sits outside our main office and judges us all. I believe it is some sort of wheel or cog that once helped make textiles, or perhaps shoes. Whatever it did, it contributed to the river behind the mill smelling eight ways from Sunday on hot days. And it is old."

"This ring is at least 161 years old, it has been passed down in Bill's family for several generations. It also happens to be my engagement ring; and I am honored to wear it!"
"This photo is my grandfather holding up a photo of himself in the army, aged 18. He is 91 now. That be old by any reckoning. He sometimes gets irritated when he can't clearly remember little details in stories things that happened to him over 65 years ago. I tell him that I can't remember little details in stories of things that happened to me LAST year and that I hope I am as lucid as him when (if) I get to be 91."
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